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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Taiwanese Peking opera troupe set to bring ‘Magic’ to Malaysia – eNews Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Fans of Chinese opera, rejoice! This July, Taiwan’s Guoguang Opera Company returns to Malaysia after a nine-year hiatus to carry out their new present “Jingju Magic: Love & Bewilderment”.

Presented within the type of two double payments, the manufacturing will see some 29 actors and musicians gracing the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac) in Sentul from July 12-14.

Programme A consists of “Zhuangzi Tests his Wife” and “Lu Wenlong”, whereas programme B options “The Death of Zhou Yu” and “Guiying’s Accusation of Wang Kuei on the Temple” – tales about honour, morality, regret and need instructed by way of music and music, dance, acrobatics and martial arts.

During a go to to klpac lately, Guoguang Opera CEO Chang Yu-hua expressed happiness over the troupe’s return to Malaysia. “It’s good to be again, and we hope to additional familiarise audiences with this type of performing arts,” he stated.

Two forged members additionally supplied a glimpse of what audiences can look ahead to. Depicting a “Wusheng”, or male martial artist, Li Jia-de showcased his bodily prowess by performing acrobatic stunts and actions in his position as a battle common – from so simple as crossing the brink of a doorway, to pretending to experience a horse.

“We can’t really bring a horse onto the stage, so the best way we transfer wants to be calculated to persuade you of the act,” Li defined.

He additionally shared that their regime as performers will be gruelling: from every day bodily coaching to construct stamina, flexibility and endurance, to immersing themselves in a task by way of appearing classes, it takes years of exhausting work.

Fellow forged member Lin Ting-yu demonstrated the highly effective vocals required of her for her “Dan” position, which refers to a feminine position in Chinese opera.

Dressed in a good looking, flowing floral costume, she famous that its lengthy, huge sleeves – referred to as “water sleeves” – aren’t simply geared toward being aesthetically pleasing.

“During the play, some audiences shall be seated fairly removed from the stage; so huge sleeves and exaggerated actions are needed to convey my character’s feelings,” she defined.

The costume can be an emblem of sophistication, as solely women from noble households would have had garments with such a design, in stark distinction with a maid’s costume.

“Not to point out, we’ve to be on tiptoes for hours on finish due to how tiny her footwear are, to showcase her grace and magnificence!” Lin added.

According to Chang, Guoguang Opera Company has been selling Jingju – or Peking opera, a predominant type of Chinese opera – by way of performances at house and overseas for shut to three many years now.

After their performances at klpac, the troupe heads to Penang to carry out on the George Town Festival as one among its worldwide highlights on July 20 & 21.

“So, whether or not you’re a beginner or longtime opera fan, everyone seems to be welcome to come and revel in our present. We hope audiences will admire our tales, given their give attention to themes similar to human nature, in addition to their simplicity,” he concluded.

‘Jingju Magic: Love and Bewilderment’

Pentas 1, klpac,
Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan,
51100 Kuala Lumpur

Programme A: July 12 & 13 @ 8pm
Programme B: July 14 @ 3.30pm

For tickets and early-bird promotions, click here.

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